A farewell from guitarist Bill Hinds...

After 30 years of working with Paul Thorn and his creative/business partner Billy Maddox I have decided that it's time to retire from the grind of the road. It's taken me a few years to come to terms with this idea, wholly because of my love for Paul, Billy, and the guys in the band. I simply could not imagine a life without them. We have truly been, and still are, family, and I am a much better man for knowing them. This family also extends to the amazing fans and friends we've made along the way - you know who you are, and I appreciate you more than you know. And, of course, standing onstage and in-studio with the Paul Thorn Band, playing those songs, with such gifted musicians as best friends, is more fun and rewarding than anything I've ever done. But now, as difficult as it is to say goodbye, it's time to turn a page and create a new chapter in my life.

To Paul, Billy, Jeffrey, Michael, and Ralph, I love you with all my heart. To Paul Thorn fans everywhere, I will remember you with a smile for the rest of my days. To the friends I've made along this remarkable path, there's no rule against staying in touch.

I'm not going anywhere and we can still keep an eye on each other through my website, socials, email, etc. I am certainly not stepping away from music, so please don't ever hesitate to shoot me a "hey, what are you up to?" message, I would love to hear from you. And who knows? There may be a project or two in my future. And so now I'll leave Paul's guitar duties in Chris's more than capable hands (you'll meet him soon) and wish them, and you, nothing less than abundant love and joy.

Gratefully yours,

